A new handbag for me!
And while we’re on the subject of Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day…
Here’s my new designer handbag!
And while we’re on the subject of Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day…
Here’s my new designer handbag!
Yesterday, Georgia’s school (Infants) held a Mothering Sunday service in Church, (yes they did know it was a Monday).
As a parent of a child in a church school, we find ourselves attending church not for religious purposes but mainly for the events the school organises at the church.
I do enjoy these visits; Georgia certainly gets very excited by them and it’s lovely, the effort that the teachers and the school go to, to make each occasion meaningful.
A short introduction by the Reverend, was followed by some really lovely singing by all the children. I don’t think they were hymns but more songs about mums. The one I remember most is ‘Mummy’s love is very wonderful’…in part because Georgia has been singing it over and over again 🙂
And then the time came to give out Mum’s presents ….and Georgia’s class each made a Pot of Love for their mums.
How lovely is that? It even came with instructions!
“Mummy, it’s morning time!” It was slightly before 6 am, and as I heard Georgia’s footsteps shuffling along the short corridor joining our rooms, I braced for her to climb over me, or in between us, and as I waited, I heard her creep over to her dad’s side and with a rather loud whisper, “Dad, it’s morning time!” Read more »