An appointment to see the Queen…but
she wasn’t there!
We stopped at Windsor on the way back from Croydon. Being able to step straight in to a working living castle is expensive albeit fascinating.
There have been some changes at Windsor since I last visited in 2004, there’s now the Moat Garden, which looked very pretty over the castle wall, but most of the exhibits and the format of the tour pretty much stayed the same.
While we were there, we made it in time for the changing of the guard, which in itself was heart-throbbing (thank the drums) and very colourful. Unfortunately after about five minutes, Georgia decided she didn’t like the drums – they were too loud. Luckily neither of us were too fussed about seeing the whole changing of the guard thing so we quite happily went on our way. At least it meant that we didn’t have to heave and push with the throng of people when the crowd dispersed.
We made our way in to St George’s chapel, at which point Georgie remembers that she’s here to see the Queen. We had explained to her that this was where the Queen lived and reminded her of the nursery rhyme about the little pussy cat who visits the queen.
Inside the chapel she sees two chaplains and says to her daddy, “Can we ask them, where is the Queen?”
To which her daddy says, “Ok, you ask the lady where the Queen is and say that you’d like to see the Queen”
So up she totters to this kindly elderly lady and says “I’d like to see the Queen, please?”
Thankfully this lady very politely says,”Oh dear, I’m sorry but the Queen is away on her holidays at the moment. She’s up at Balmoral in Scotland having her holiday.”
Georgie nods, turns around, looks at me and says, “The Queen is busy right now”
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