Who teaches the worms?
Georgia has been fascinated with the garbage trucks for some time now. Three kinds visit our area each week, the ‘worms’ truck that takes away all our compostable waste, the recyling truck that takes away glass, cans and generally everything recyclable (except plastic milk bottles!) and finally the rubbish truck that takes away everything else.
This morning on our way to ‘school’ we drove past the ‘Worms’ truck….and that led to this conversation.
G: Oh look mummy – the worms truck.
Me: Oh yes – it does look like the worms truck.
G: They are picking up rubbish for the worms to eat eat eat.
Me: Yes – but the worms can’t eat all kinds of rubbish – only some kinds – like paper and cardboard and food that we don’t want. And then all the other rubbish goes into the other rubbish truck – like plastic and everything else that the worms can’t eat.
G: Who teaches the worms?
It took me a while to work out that Georgia as actually asking who teaches the worms (teaches sounded a bit like kisses) but G patiently repeated herself several times until I got it.
My final explanation was : it’s something that the worms do – they break up the soil and eat the rubbish and after that we can use soil to plant more food and flowers.
Me: Where there are no houses….
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