A 'pooppy' adventure, a first shower
Georgia, do you want potty?
No answer….
Georgia, do you want potty? No? When you want, you say ‘pot pot’ OK?
A slight nod and she goes back to tearing books down from the bookshelf.
5 minutes later while I stand at the sink, washing up, an odour permeates all the way to the kitchen.
My first thought
Must be the neighbour
I finish the washing up, hang up the rubber gloves and go and assess the damage to the bookshelf. That’s when I find out, it is NOT a good idea to leave Georgia playing alone without a nappy and without anyone watching her.
We have always managed to ‘catch’ Georgia in time to sit her on the potty for ‘the big one’ and for the first time… there’s poo down her legs, on her pants ….just YUCKS!
Rush up the stairs, two at a time, and swing her in to the bath, shout at DaddyDear to get off the phone to help with the situation.
So G ends up having the first shower of her life, thoroughly enjoying the new rain-like atmosphere in bath and me….well, like a friend says, ‘It’s a good job, we love them so much’
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