Stories of Georgous chronicles a parenting journey with Georgia.
Raising a child in a culture and environment completely different from our own brings with it many adventures, much fun and often a steep learning curve, what is often not articulated however, is how great the influence of our own culture and up-bringing on the choices we make as parents.
As we stumble along on our way, we can, as only parents can, do our best and hope that that is enough. We would love to hear and share your thoughts, opinions and stories.
Hi! I’m Li-ling and mum to Georgia. I work from home, full-time (that is, every moment that Georgia is in school or asleep) at Xelium, providing ICT consultancy for Education and HR.
I used to be a full-time academic in the Physical Sciences and a completely guilt-ridden (seemingly part-time) mother! (Read The Untold Story series) I started this blog to record events, thoughts and milestones of our parenting journey.
Increasingly as Georgia grows up, I find myself often torn and conflicted between values and cultures. Given that we were born and raised in the East (Penang, Malaysia, to be precise) I find myself at parenting cross-roads often wondering which is the better way forward, now that we are living and parenting in the West (UK). I would so love to hear, learn and exchange thoughts and opinions. Do leave a comment and tell me what you think.
If you would like to get in touch,
Email me at lilingooi @ hotmail.com
Talk to me on Twitter @DrOoi
Like TheGeorgous on Facebook
Snippets of Georgia-mae’s life.
Born 3 Feb 2006, loves spaghetti bolognese and Pocoyo.
Currently goes to Greenfields Nursery full-time and loves it.
The name Georgous is G’s nickname from Daddy Dearest.
Update 1:
As of August 2007, Georgia is home full time with mummy.
We fill our days doing exciting things…
Update 2 -Jan 2011:
Georgia is now in Big School…Reception, in a local school. She enjoys going but sometimes finds it difficult to leave Mum and Dad at home!